Christianity has been popularly classified as one of the religions of the world. Though this definition fits various purposes, yet for an understanding of what Christianity really is, it does not suffice. For, in many ways, Christianity is more than just a religion. In many religions the most important thing is a system of rules and regulations, or a pattern of socially evolved ceremonies and rituals, or a progressively developed code of ethics and morals. But Christianity is more than this. This is because Christianity involves a personal relationship between a person and Christ Himself.
Thus the question, what is Christianity, is a very important one. And though people tend to answer the question with facts and figures and statistics, the real answer can only be found by searching out the meaning of Christianity at its very heart. Thereby we could find out what makes it a moving force among men. We can do this by exploring Christianity in three avenues, as a Way of Belief, a Way of Worship and Way of Life.
WAY OF BELIEF: Christianity is definitely a way of belief, for faith or belief plays a pivotal role in its existence. Belief or faith, is extremely important because it is first required before a person could be found acceptable in the sight of God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. The basis beliefs are in the facts that God created the world and sustains and orders it: that His Son, Jesus Christ came and dwelt among men; that He lived on earth, died and rose again that the sin of man might be removed; and that He lives today and reigns with God the Father. We also believe that God's Holy Spirit moves among men today as a guide and helper to Christians. This belief in the three personalities of God is necessary to enable a man to truly say, "I believe in God."